El presente trabajo de investigación esta titulada “Cultura tributaria y la recaudación de tributos municipales en la Municipalidad Distrital de Chuschi, 2019” es un tema muy importante y tiene como objetivo determinar la relación entre la cultura tributara y la recaudación de tributos municipales en la Municipalidad Distrital de Chuschi, 2019. La investigación es cuantitativa, se ha desarrollado usando metodología de diseño no experimental, y de nivel correlacional, asimismo se empleó una población de 231
This research work is titled "Tax culture and the collection of municipal taxes in the District Municipality of Chuschi, 2019" is a very important topic and aims to analyze the relationship between the tax culture and the collection of municipal taxes in the Municipality Distrital de Chuschi, 2019. The research is quantitative, has been developed using a non-experimental design methodology, and correlates level, also a population of 231 citizens or taxpayers was used; whose sample was made up of 40 people, including the taxpayers to whom the survey made up of