La presente investigación denominada: “Educación financiera y estrategias de financiamiento de los comerciantes del Mercado de Huanta, Huanta- 2020” surgió a raíz de la continua observación de dificultades que presentan los comerciantes para la toma de decisiones en cuanto al financiamiento, lo cual se presume que se encuentra asociado con el nivel de educación financiera. Es por ello que se planteó como objetivo principal determinar la relación entre la educación financiera y estrategias
The present research entitled: "Financial education and financing strategies of traders in the Huanta Market, Huanta- 2020" arises from the continuous observation of difficulties that traders have in making decisions regarding financing, which is presumably associated with the level of financial education they present. That is why it was proposed as a primary objective to determine the relationship between financial education and financing strategies of traders in the market in question. The methodology developed had a quantitative focus, applied