El presente trabajo de investigación denominado gestión del talento humano y la rentabilidad en la empresa Protectivas Perú SAC año 2016, tiene como finalidad la implementación del sistema adecuado de gestión del talento humano, cuyo objetivo es proporcionar mayor rentabilidad en la empresa.
The present research work called management of human talent and profitability in the company Protectivas Perú SAC in 2016, aims to implement the appropriate human talent management system, whose objective is to provide greater profitability in the company.
For a long time, people have become more aware of the importance of the human factor in the success of plans and programs and the achievement of organizational goals. Traditionally, Human Talent Management has been seen as secondary and irrelevant. The main concern of the responsible areas in some institutions has been limited to the administration of payroll, personnel files and collective labor relations. Even today there are some organizations operating under this traditional approach.